(22.4.2024) Market Force: Ensuring the Competitiveness of the Single Market for the next 30 years

Market Force Event


11.45 Registration

12.00 Welcome

Jules Maaten, Regional Director, European Dialogue, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

12.05 Panel Discussion

Giulia del Brenna (tbc), Head of Strategy and Regulation – Single Market and Industrial Policy Unit, DG GROW, European Commission

Radovan Durana, Analyst, INESS

Radu Nechita, Associate Professor, University of Babeş-Bolyai, Romania

Moderator: Adam Bartha, Director, EPiCENTER

13.00 Q&A

13:15 Lunch & Networking

Register Now

Please register by 19 April, 2024 at the following link: https://forms.gle/HCv8Cr7Jhs1dQc6D7 *

About the Event

EPiCENTER and the European Dialogue Programme of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom are delighted to invite you to the launch of Market Force, a pan-European research initiative assessing the success of the Single Market in the last 30 years and outlining a blueprint of liberalizing reforms that can ensure its success for the next 30 years.

The Single Market is at a pivotal juncture; new regulations and directives, particularly those pertaining to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, are imposing additional regulatory burdens on businesses. In addition, non-tariff trade barriers, such as labour market regulations that exclude a cheaper workforce from new member states, reduce the efficiency of the Single Market. Despite Commissioners stressing smart regulations and reducing bureaucracy, entrepreneurs in the EU have never faced so many barriers to scale up their business and compete on global markets. During the discussion, we aim to identify ways how, instead of introducing new barriers, European policymakers can focus on expanding and improving the Single Market in areas where it's still incomplete, such as the digital and service sectors.

Europe is currently following, rather than leading, in innovation and economic development, primarily due to increasing overregulation, especially in the technological and industrial sectors. This discussion aims to identify opportunities for how the EU can create a new strategy to enhance its competitiveness, recognize the potential of new technologies, encourage a regulatory environment for their adoption, and ensure that Europe remains open to business and trade.

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