The State Office Norddeutschland is one of eight local offices of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Germany. From the offices located in Hamburg and Kiel, we conduct liberal educational work in Schleswig-Holstein and the Hansestadt Hamburg.
The range of our events varies from seminars on a small scale, in which we focus on a specialist topic such as press relations, rhetoric or even cultural-historical topics. In central locations, we organize not only panel discussions on current topics of politics and society but also lecture evenings on topics of recent German history and the history of liberalism.
We also offer school classes training in moral courage and extremism in society, as well as supplementary courses on German history, in particular on German division and reunification, for which we also work with contemporary witnesses. However, the program also includes joint visits with representatives from business, society and culture, with whom the participants can then discuss current issues.
The team from the regional office gets support by program managers. These have their ear even closer to the exciting topics on site and organize events tailored to the needs of the participants, which can have high local relevance. We regularly cooperate with memorial sites, but also with politically related organizations such as the Liberal SME Initiatives or the Liberal University Groups.
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Frankenstr. 3
20097 Hamburg
e-mail: hamburg@freiheit.org
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Länderbüro Norddeutschland
Büro Kiel
Andreas-Gayk-Straße 13
24103 Kiel