Kuala Lumpur
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) promotes democracy, human rights, economic freedom, and curbing climate change. In Southeast and East Asia, we have offices in Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Seoul, and Taipei. We also work in Malaysia. In Malaysia we work with 11 local partners. Should you have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. You can also meet our team here.
Flashlight on the Upcoming German Federal Election, What’s in it for Malaysia?
On January 21, 2025, Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Malaysia hosted a dinner event attended by our partners and IAF alumni in Malaysia. On this occasion, Dr. Stefan Diederich, FNF Project Director Malaysia, delivered an update regarding the current political situation in Germany, beginning with a brief probe into German government coalition history and continuing with an analysis on more recent coalition dynamics.
BRICS - What are the key issues for 2025?
BRICS is growing and gaining influence: with new members, the focus is on topics such as trade, AI regulation, climate change and global reorganisation. Where is the confederation heading in 2025?
IAF Replication Kota Kinabalu 2024: Safeguarding Democracy in the Digital World
Follow Dhea, the Communications Officer of FNF Malaysia, as she participated in a two-day IAF Replication Workshop with Rahman Imuda in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in December 2024. From capturing werewolves and filtering fake news to reinventing political personalities in parliamentary debate, friendships blossomed in one windy, cheerful Kinabalu night.
Liberalism in a Changing World
From 3–10 November 2024, Sri Murniati Yusuf, from IDEAS Malaysia, had the privilege of attending "The Future of Liberalism: Reimagining the Next Era of Freedom", a seminar organised by the International Academy for Leadership (IAF). This enriching event brought together 26 participants from across the globe to explore challenges to liberalism and identify ways to ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing world. The discussions focus on the rising challenges posed by populism, geopolitical tensions, value shifts, and pressing societal issues like climate change, identity politics, migration, and artificial intelligence.
Regulatory Challenges for MSMEs in ASEAN
Malaysia´s Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) have launched the “ASEAN Integration Report 2024”. The seventh edition of this annual report focuses on barriers that micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) face in cross-border trade in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Learning Democracy the Fun Way: GERAKAN Party Youth Engaged in a SIM Democracy Playthrough
On 18-19 October 2024, the SIM Democracy Game was introduced to GERAKAN Party Youth in Malaysia to accommodate their interest to replicate the game play in their respective States. A game play session was conducted on the first day with the objective to train a new batch of trainers who will be able to replicate the games elsewhere. It is then followed by the main event of the game play the following day attended by representatives of the GERAKAN Party Youth.
IDEAS Liberalism Conference 2024: Borders and Belonging in a Globalized World
On September 28, IDEAS Malaysia held its annual flagship event, the Liberalism Conference, co-hosted by the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur. In its 9th edition, the Conference sought to deliberate on the pressing issues of statelessness and refugees, choosing the aptly named “Borders and Belonging in a Globalised World” as its official theme.