Paraguay and Brazil
Market Solutions to Environmental Challenges in Latin America

"Refugio Biológico de Mbaracayú", managed by Paraguay y Brasil.
© FNF ArgentinaProperty Law and Environmental Problems
On September 1, we visited Saltos del Guairá in Paraguay to participate in the conference "Property Law and Environmental Problems" given by Edwin Zarco, Peruvian specialist in environmental issues and master in economics of the Austrian School of Economics.
In the morning, the team of the Fernando de la Mora Institute and representatives of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Argentina were received by Councilman Luis Cabañas at his home. Both parties discussed the challenges of the city and the country, the environmental problems and the solutions proposed by the municipality and the government. The Councilman expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to exchange ideas with an expert in the area at the following day's event.

Conference on environmental challenges in the region.
© FNF ArgentinaConference and meeting with local authorities
In the afternoon, the delegation formed by Nadia Barrozo, Angelo Bardini, Federico Rabino, Teresa Venialgo and Ruth Bogado, was received at the municipal government headquarters by representatives of the Municipal Board of Saltos del Guairá. Its president, Claudio González, welcomed them and opened the meeting, accompanied by Councilmen David Pereira, Cayo Báez, Julio Ibarrola and Luis Cabañas.
At the meeting, the institutions were introduced. The main challenges of the city and the country were discussed, and in the context of the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Municipal Board and the Fernando de la Mora Institute, a work path was outlined between the two organizations. The Board also declared the Conference "Property Law and Environmental Problems" to be of municipal interest.
At the conference, attended by more than 70 people, mostly local youth, Edwin Zarco presented private solutions to environmental problems. Through concrete success stories, he discussed the institutional framework, property rights and environmental entrepreneurship in action.

Nadia Barrozo, Project Coordinator of FNF Argentina, gives the opening remarks at the conference.
© FNF ArgentinaVisit to "Refugio Biológico Mbaracayú"
We closed the activities in the city with a visit to the Mbaracayú Biological Refuge, accompanied by Councilman Luis Cabañas. The restoration of the native forest is in charge of Itaipu and is managed on a binational basis. Councilman Cabañas mentioned the lack of local and regional knowledge of the Refuge and its potential as a tourist attraction. In addition, we had the opportunity to exchange ideas with representatives of the Refuge, Edwin Zarco, and Councilman Cabañas about the environmental challenges of the country and the region, and market solutions to these challenges.
The activities in Saltos del Guairá were an exceptional opportunity to exchange ideas on local environmental problems and possibilities for action. In addition, the meetings and exchanges generated allowed for an in-depth analysis of Paraguay's political, economic and social situation and its relations with the region and the world.