Podcast IAF TALK

What happens in Gummersbach stays in Gummersbach. Well, not anymore...
Podcast IAF TALK

Welcome to our podcast IAF TALK!

We are bringing you insights and experts from our seminars of the International Academy for Leadership (IAF) of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Germany. We heartily invite you to join our talks when our international guests are exchanging on different political, economic or social topics with a liberal approach, bringing people from all over the world together to discuss and offering key insights and learnings from our seminars and workshops.

Additionally, for each episode you will find further material on the topic we have compiled for you.


We hope you enjoy our podcast! If you do, please rate, review, and subscribe to our podcast. You can find us on all major podcast providers such as Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts, Spotify or Deezer.

#14 Talking about Markets and the Environment

IAF Talk - Podcast #14

In today's episode of IAF TALK Bettina Solinger has gathered the experts from our seminar "The Future of Market Economy" around a big table in the Academy to have an intensive talk about markets and the environment, and to tackle some important questions: why property rights are important for innovation, why some ideas that are brilliant on the paper but won't work in reality, how developing countries are dealing with climate change and, of course, if the economy is actually able to protect the environment.

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#13 Talking about Entrepreneurship

IAF - #13 Talking about Entrepreneurship

According to Joseph Schumpeter, an entrepreneur is a person who is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention into a successful innovation. But to promote open markets and support the innovating entrepreneurships it needs some preconditions. In our current episode of IAF TALK we are discussing the findings of our last seminar on this topic and explore what policymakers can do to boost and accelerate entrepreneurship in their respective countries.

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#12 Talking about Education

Podcast IAF TALK #12 Education

Today’s episode is very special – not only because Education is a tremendously important aspect for every person’s development towards self-determination, prosperity and happiness in live but also because we would like to commemorate the late Dr Stefan Melnik who has contributed immensely to IAF, in fact he helped build and develop IAF to where it is today. Education has always been a theme very close to his heart.

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#11 Talking about Local Politics

IAF #11 Talking about Local Politics

Looking for solutions at the local level, involving responsible individuals and making use of decentralised local competences and knowledge are important principles to get local government politics close to citizens, encourage their participation, communicate with them more effectively and make government more efficient.

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#10 Talking about Environment

Podcast IAF TALK

For liberals private property is a defining characteristic of a free society. In our seminar "Liberal, Property and the Environment" we explored how the concept of private property might conceivably be a solution to problems as diverse as pollution, land degradation, overfishing, deforestation, species extinction and waste.

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#9 Talking about Strategic Communication

#9 Talking about Strategic Communication

Why is it so important to have a clear communication strategy and how can you actually prepare for communication in a crisis?

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#8 Talking about 25 Years of IAF

#8 Talking about 25 Years of IAF

This year we have been celebrating the 25th anniversary of the IAF and together with its founding director Jörg Dehnert, his successor Birgit Lamm, and the current director of the IAF, Bettina Solinger, we're taking a trip down memory lane and learn how it all started in 1995, what challenges they faced over the years and what makes it all so special at IAF.

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#7 Talking about Smart Cities

#7 Talking about Smart Cities

By using “big data” and digitalization our cities can turn into smart cities and help us to manage today’s and future challenges of growing cities in fields such as administration, urban planning, environment, economic development and others. Transparency, participation and better decision making should be among the chances of smarter cities as well.

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#6 Talking About Seminar Facilitation

#6 Talking about Seminar Facilitation

"Have your program worked out doesn't mean that you are prepared" says Marike Groenewald, one of our guests in this podcast episode. Audience participation and engagement depends on the “way of being” of a facilitator.

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#5 Talking about Deconstructing Populism

#5 Talking about Deconstructing Populism

Populists seem to be on the rise around the world and their opponents from different political camps seem to have difficulties to find the right antidote to fight that new (?) political force. Some place their bet on facts to fight lies, others on copying some of the populist features or trying to tackle what is perceived as the underlying causes that play into the hands of populists. But what is populism and why is it so dangerous for liberal open societies? What do populists have in common and how to deconstruct populism?

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#4 Talking about Campaigning

#4 Talking about Campaigning

With the rise of the internet, big data and social media, traditional campaign methods have undergone radical change making it easier to communicate instantly with millions of potential voters. And yet, many liberal political parties across the world struggle to connect with voters in a world that is more connected than ever before.

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#3 Talking about Digital Freedom

#3 Talking about Digital Freedom

Digitalisation has opened up a world of opportunity. Today we have access to vast amounts of information, inconceivable 20 years ago. The cost of communication with others has plummeted and is now marginal. The majority of the world’s population has cheap access to the means of communication, hardware, software and the associated services.

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#2 Talking about Innovation

#2 Talking about Innovation

Innovation is not only about robots, artificial intelligence or futuristic concepts but there are many ideas on how to be innovative as an individual or as an organization. But what is needed to stay innovative and create a company culture that is constantly innovative? 

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#1 Talking about Populism

#1 Talking about Populism

In the first episode of IAF TALK we're meeting Milosz Hodun, International Officer of Nowoczesna party in Poland, and Ines Holzegger, International Officer of YUNOS (youth organization of NEOS party Austria), who give us an insight into the latest political developments in their countries and how populism is affecting the situation.

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