About Us :

The Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung For Freedom (FNF) is a German political foundation. In Germany and in 60 countries around the world, FNF and its partners promote freedom, liberalism, democracy, human rights, pluralism, tolerance, curbing climate change, an open and digital society, social market economy, and the rule of law. We are a non-profit organization that focuses on civic education.

FNF has close ties to Germany´s Free Democratic Party (FDP). FNF was founded in 1958 by Germany's President Theodor Heuss. We are funded by Germany´s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Our headquarter is in Potsdam, Germany, just outside Berlin. We advise decision makers, facilitate dialogue, hold conferences, fund publications and invite people around the world to attend seminars and other events in Germany.

Abroad, we work with government institutions, NGOs, academia, political parties, researchers, students, journalists, activists, start-ups and artists who share our values and want to join us in promoting freedom. We work collaboratively and seek long-term partnerships, highlighting the importance of individual freedom and strong democratic institutions. FNF promotes economic freedom and free trade. We want businesses to respect human rights. We highly value privacy and data protection. FNF promotes curbing climate change by utilizing technological advances, for example in the context of smart cities.

FNF has worked in Southeast Asia since 1969, when we opened an office in Jakarta, Indonesia. Today, we have seven offices in Southeast and East Asia: Bangkok, Hanoi, Jarkata, Manila, Seoul, and Taipei. We also work in Malaysia.

In Taiwan, the Global Innovation Hub of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom was established in 2021. The Hub focuses on “digital transformation” and “innovation for democracy”. With its international global network of experts, partners and collaborators, the hub aims to support the Friedrich Naumann Foundation on its way to becoming a creative innovation platform for liberalism.