Call for Applications
Balkanska Ženska Akademija 2024

What is BAZA – Balkanska Ženska Akademija?
“BAZA – Balkanska Ženska Akademija” supports women in their quest to dismantle the gender barriers that stand in their path, and to fight every day for a future shaped by their voices. We offer tailor-made training modules within a three-month academy so that talented, ambitious liberal women can develop to the best of their abilities at all stages of their political journey. Eventually, we support female change-makers to fearlessly and creatively advocate towards more gender-equal politics in countries of the Western Balkans.
“BAZA – Balkanska Ženska Akademija” is a three-weekend empowerment program (Thu/Fri-Sun) for up to 15 women taking place on 18-21 April, 24-26 May, and 28-30 June 2024. Venues will be in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first session, Croatia for the second and Serbia for the third session. Events will be held in extraordinary environments to ensure maximum focus on the issue at hand.
Call for Applications
Download the full Call for Applications (program included!) and share it with your peers!

How to apply?
It is easy! Fill out this application form by 10 March 2024.
Our selection committee will review all uploaded applications and conduct one-on-one interviews with preselected applicants. In this way, we ensure that the most committed and team-oriented participants are given an opportunity for personal empowerment.
A confirmation of participation will be sent by 21 March so participants can prepare in time for the first session from 18-21 April.
In a nutshell
Meet like-minded liberal companions and exchange to increase your impact.
- Meet like-minded liberal companions and exchange to increase your impact.
- Get inspired by intimate “fireside chats” with remarkable female role models.
- Three modules in three states (BiH, HR, SRB) to learn about each country’s peculiarities.
- Complete an innovative academy program tailored to your political and personal needs.
- Experience stunning venues chosen to allow participants to focus, reflect, and connect.
- Become part of a supportive network and find your peer for long-lasting bonds.
Working languages are YOUR language & English. Communicative knowledge of English is compulsory.

Meet our Facilitators
Joanna Burnos

Director of Balkan Women’s Academy BAZA. Founder of LEADERIS Institute. Team Europe Direct expert. Lecturer at the Vistula University of Finance and Business. Co-creator and co-host of “Departament Kobiet” podcast.
Ivana Fundurulić

Ivana is a mathematics and physics teacher from Zagreb. Her passion for teaching is complemented by a drive for continual learning and knowledge-sharing, actively seeking out new projects and workshops that foster growth and enlightenment. She is an alumna of ALDE's "Alliance of Her 2022" and holds several key roles within the party "Centar".
Jasmina Mršo

Jasmina is an expert in working with political foundations and political parties and a skilled capacity-building trainer and moderator who worked on many local and international projects. She is an editor for the PartyParty magazine and offers strategic support to the European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP).
Vukosava Crnjanski

Vuka has worked as a trainer and practitioner since 2004, providing capacity-building in advocacy, public outreach, campaigning, strategic planning etc. Her work extends to political parties, non-governmental organizations, govern-ment officials, media outlets, and institutions on a local and international scale.
About the Foundation
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is the liberal political foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany. For more than thirty years, it has been promoting open and tolerant societies, civic engagement and the rule of law in the Western Balkans with the aim of strengthening democratic and pluralistic principles in the region and thus actively supporting the countries’ European integration with its liberal values of freedom, peace and tolerance.
Our mission is to create change by empowering women to pursue their political ambitions. We believe that gender equality can only be ensured through adequate political representation not only in parliaments and councils, but also within liberal parties themselves. For liberals, there is no doubt that society as a whole is only served if the female part of society can develop as freely politically as their male counterparts.
Recognizing that the social circumstances are far from ideal, we want to prepare women as best we can for their commitment to change. Even if we cannot immediately change the framework, we can empower those who will work to do so. We do this in the belief that there is a desire in the region for cross-border collaboration among strong women who support each other, offer advice and support, and want to reform their respective societies in the same way.