smart cities
Living Lab Forum on Citizen-Driven Innovation for More Sustainable Cities


The Coronavirus outbreak accentuated present environmental and economic challenges and the need to structure cities smarter and more sustainable. Therefore, the role and engagement of local citizens are vital in creating urban innovations. The 2nd living lab forum on citizen-driven innovation for more sustainable cities took place on the 7th of December at 3 pm at the Ryse Hotel in Seoul. The forum sheds light on Living Labs, citizens-driven initiatives that contribute to the sustainability of cities.

Given the rising Covid-19 numbers in Korea, the international speakers and further participants were connected via the Zoom webinar option. This hybrid conference provided a simultaneous translation in English and Korean for the online and offline audience. Min Jung Oh, Research Professor from Sungkyunkwan University, moderated this hybrid event divided into two sessions. After each session, the moderator interacted with the audience to share questions with the presenter and discussants.

The first session included three presentations followed by a discussion round by Hae-dae Kim from Daegu Technopark and Eun-Hee Park from the Goyang Industry Promotion Agency. The Chairperson of ENoLL, Evdokimos Konstantinidis, introduced the Living Labs from a European perspective. Furthermore, Panagiotis Bamidis and Despoina Petsani from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki presented the ThessAhall Living Lab for Health, an opportunity to foster citizen engagement. Israa Mahmoud from the Polytechnic of Milan introduced a Living Lab for co-designing a greener city on the example of the city Milan.

During the second session, Benjamin Nanchen from the University of Applied Science Western Switzerland introduced a Living Lab for Special Needs and outlined the increasing impact of Living Labs on our society. The two discussants emphasized the importance of initiatives for Living Labs and the advanced stage of European citizen engagement. In particular, fundings for living labs in Korea are challenging; thus, the European innovations would be inspiring for the Korean case. Furthermore, living labs present a significant aspect to increase the impact of smart city solutions.

This event was co-organized by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), Korea Local Information Research and Development Institute (KLID), Busan Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (BCCEI), European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). Special thanks go to the sponsor Goyang Industry Promotion Agency.

Video (English)

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