EU-Türkiye Relations
Expert Visit: Improving Turkey-EU Relations Together

The recent earthquake that hit Turkey has caused significant damages, and the country is facing political, economic, and social challenges as a result. The civil society in Turkey has shown resilience and solidarity, while the government has been slow to respond. At an event titled "Disaster, Democracy, and the Faces of Civil Society in Türkiye," held on International Women's Day 2023 at the European Parliament, experts discussed the impact of the earthquake and the strategies implemented by the government to mitigate its effects.
The panelists also discussed the critical role of women's rights in promoting democracy in Turkey. They emphasized that women's rights and gender equality should be at the center of any democratic agenda, and that the EU should support these efforts by promoting human rights and democratic values. The event highlighted the urgent need for democracy and European values in Turkish society, and the importance of strengthening ties among civil society professionals from Turkey and EU officials from the European Commission, the European External Action Service, and the European Parliament.
The panel featured prominent voices in the Turkish civil society, including Ece Temelkuran, an author known for her work on women's rights and democracy in Turkey; Nevşin Mengü, an independent journalist who has covered the country's political landscape extensively; and Can Selçuki, co-founder of the Istanbul Economics Research firm. The panelists engaged in a discussion about the upcoming elections in Turkey and the role of women's rights in promoting democracy. They emphasized that the opposition parties in Turkey should unite and appoint one joint candidate, and that women's rights should be at the center of any democratic agenda.

In addition to the panel speakers, there were additional comments and a Q&A session featuring representatives from various organizations. Çiğdem Çımrın, co-founder of Minerva BHR, emphasized the critical role of civil society in advancing gender equality and human rights in Turkey. Emre Keki, a senior partner at PAE Law Office, discussed the legal frameworks for the future of Turkey-EU relations. İsrafil Özkan, director of the Freedom Research Association, discussed the need for a concrete dialogue process with state institutions in Turkey. Nayat Karaköse, program coordinator at the Hrant Dink Foundation, discussed the impact of the earthquake on minority communities in Turkey. Özge Öner, associate professor at the University of Cambridge, discussed the shortage of skilled labor in developed countries and the need for serious migration policies in the EU. Yiğit Göktuğ Torun, a project assistant at the Human Rights Academy and Türkiye-Europe Lectures at FNF Turkey, discussed the role of human rights and democratic values in Turkey.
Overall, the event highlighted the urgent need for democracy and European values in Turkish society, and the importance of strengthening ties among civil society professionals from Turkey and EU officials. The experts emphasized that women's rights should be at the center of any democratic agenda and that the EU should support these efforts by promoting human rights and democratic values. The event provided a platform for a diverse group of experts to share their insights and recommendations for shaping the future of Turkey.