Women in Politics
8th of March - More Than Just a Day

Calendar 2024/25 - Violence against women concerns us all
Violence against women is a fundamental violation of human rights and a pervasive social problem with profound consequences. Beyond the immediate physical and psychological harm caused to women, it perpetuates a cycle of inequality and discrimination. Addressing this problem is crucial to promoting societies based on the principles of justice, dignity and gender equality. By combating violence against women, we not only protect the well-being of individuals, but also contribute to creating a more just and inclusive world. Collective efforts are needed to challenge harmful norms, promote awareness and adopt legal measures to prevent and combat violence against women, ultimately paving the way for a society where everyone can live without fear and free from violence.
Below you will find a calendar dedicated to combating violence against women. This calendar is a compendium of real stories, with direct quotes from victims of violence, through which we want to draw attention to a major problem in our society. This aims to raise awareness, educate and inspire to action.
Trigger warning! The calendar contains original quotes from victims of physical and sexual violence against women. These can be disturbing.
Calendar 2024/25 - Violence against women concerns us all
Combating violence against women requires a comprehensive approach that includes legal reforms, education and cultural change. It is essential to introduce and enforce strict laws criminalizing such acts, as well as providing support services for the victims. Educational initiatives must challenge harmful gender norms and promote respectful relationships. In addition, it is essential to encourage cultural changes that reject tolerance of violence and emphasize equality. The collective efforts of government, communities and individuals can create a society where violence against women is unacceptable, laying the foundation for lasting change.
Through the testimonies below, we seek to draw attention to the importance of addressing this pervasive problem and encourage collective efforts to create a safer and more equitable world for women.
Trigger warning! The document below contains testimonies from victims of physical and sexual abuse. Reader discretion is advised due to distressing material.
Testimonies from victims - content warning!
Romania has demonstrated its commitment to women's rights by ratifying key international conventions within the Council of Europe and the United Nations. Under the Istanbul Convention, ratified by Romania in 2016, the country is committed to combating violence against women and domestic violence. The Convention stresses the importance of preventing, prosecuting and eliminating such violence, while promoting gender equality. In addition, Romania affirmed its commitment to gender equality by ratifying the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on 7 December 1982. With this, Romania has committed itself to eliminating discrimination against women in all spheres of life and to promoting their equal rights. These ratifications underline Romania's adherence to international legal obligations to promote a society that upholds the rights and dignity of women.