
Telenisa Statistics and Findings 2022

This  year  marks  the  20th  anniversary  of  Telenisa.  Telenisa  was  established  in  2003  to  provide  legal advisory service for women and men, to inform them on their legal rights under the Islamic Family Law and the  Syariah  Criminal  Offences Law  in  Malaysia.  Telenisa’s mission is to deliver gender-sensitive and non-biased advice on related legal provisions, practices and  expectations  when  a  client  has  dealings  with Shariah laws, courts and other institutions within the Shariah legal framework.  Telenisa also seeks to build awareness  and  understanding  of  rights  under  the Shariah legal system. Telenisa was one of the first legal clinics that focused on Shariah Laws in Malaysia.  

From  2016  onwards,  Telenisa  produced  an  annual publication of its statistics.  These statistics provide a snapshot of the types of legal issues that are most prevalent for the year.  There is also an analysis to show trends over a few years.  These statistics have been critical in supporting advocacy for law reform in Shariah laws, or to bring awareness to issues women face within the Shariah system. 

The publication also available in Malaysia language. 

Statistik dan Dapatan 2022

Infographic (Bahasa Melayu)

Infographic (English)