About Us : European Dialogue

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Europe (FNF Europe) has offices in Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, Prague and Vilnius. Through our work, we seek to actively encourage the political debate and develop innovative liberal policies in Europe. A lively dialogue is based on tolerance and mutual understanding. Our activities aim at promoting these basic values through intercultural exchange. We also serve as liberal platforms for the Foundation’s worldwide partners to debate issues of the European agenda, in the present and the future. For media representatives and conference organisers, our team in Europe and its network serve as a reservoir for opinion editorials, commentaries and competent speakers.

The vision of a Europe of freedom, diversity and opportunities inspires our work at the European Dialogue Programme. More than ever, we face multiple global challenges that require European answers. These range from the economic and financial crisis over rising euro scepticism and migration flows to climate change. We therefore monitor political and policy developments both in our project countries and at the European level.

Through the connection of EU experts, civil society, and decision-makers we seek to foster open dialogue and discuss liberal policy solutions to European challenges. Together with our liberal partners, we develop formats and campaigns to promote rule of law, free markets and human rights. Moreover, we coordinate EU co-funded projects in democracy support, development cooperation and human rights protection.

Animate Europe

Since 2013, the Brussels office has organised the international comic competition Animate Europe every two years. Comic artists from all over the world participate and share their ideas about Europe. In the form of comic books, exhibitions, workshops and via the World Wide Web, our comics travel through Europe and overseas. In addition, the winner comics are available as animated short films, to bring our colourful stories to life.

Enter the virtual exhibition room: https://animate-europe.eu/

Global Security Hub

Europe faces instability and challenges by emerging powers around and within its borders, whereas traditional alliances are increasingly put into question by populist governments. Which are the obstacles to a deeper European defence cooperation? How should Europe deal with competing powers, such as China? We believe that in order to defend a rule-based international order, EU members must strive to find common answers to these key questions. The FNF Security Hub contributes to this goal by connecting decision makers and experts across Europe, promoting innovative ideas, and providing expertise to media, as well as events.

Human Rights Hubs

In 2023, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom established a Human Rights Hub in Geneva, Switzerland. The purpose of the Hub is to promote respect for and compliance with human rights and to strengthen the rules-based international legal order. It will support human rights defenders and civil society partners in their pursuit of the rule of law and help them connect - both with each other and with UN organizations in Geneva. Furthermore, the Human Rights Hub will advocate for a free flow of information in the digital space, without state surveillance or persecution, adn champion political participation of underrepresented groups, especially of women.

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How to Find Us

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

Avenue de Cortenbergh 71

1000, Brussels, Belgium

Contact Us

Email: brussels@freiheit.org

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