Smart Local Communites in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Follow up

Smart local communities BiH
© Friedrich Naumann FoundationSmart Local Commmunites in BiH - follow up
This study represents a follow up of the previously published study Smart Local Communities in BiH and offers a cross-section of the situation in local self-government units in the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina when it comes to smart city area.
The aforementioned basic study, published in 2020, brought the results of the research conducted in an online format and in communication with the competent authorities in local self-government units (LSUs) throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The previous study was conducted in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and 23 out of 143 local self-government units took part in it, to whose e-mail addresses the initial call and survey questionnaire were sent, it was published bilingually and is available here.
The follow up study, the results of which we present below are the product of the research conducted in the period January - April 2023 and its main goal was to check how much, if at all, the development and application of solutions in the field of Smart City was influenced by the state of the pandemic and the crisis it brought with it, and whether two years after the first conducted research, interest in this topic increased.