Beyond Imagination: AI Art Contest on Liberal Values
Accepting entries from all over the world!

Details to enter the competition:
The artists are invited to send their entries in the form of High Resolution JPG, JPEG, PNG or PDF to If the file is of larger size, a Google Drive Link is suggested. The applicants should bear in mind that entries should be reflecting the Liberal Values discussed in with relevance. All entries should have an accurate caption/description relating any of the Liberal Value with relevance to the artwork.
Skepticism about Power
Rule of Law
Spontaneous Order
Deadline: 30th September 2023
Submission Guidelines:
- Submit your entries at:
- Entry email must include applicant details such as name, 50-100 words of applicant profile, contact details, the title of the AI Art, and 60-100 words of artwork interpretation.
- Artwork
- Must be original and not published anywhere else.
- Maximum of 3 entries per applicant. Group or collaborated entries will not be accepted.
- Must be uploaded in common image formats like .jpeg /.jpg /.png.
- Should be saved with high quality. If image size is high, share google drive link of the file.
- Can be either Landscape or Portrait mode.
- Use of downloaded images from the internet is strictly prohibited. Please mention the following details as well with your submission
- Selected Liberal value / values:
- AI Platform used:
- Prompt used to generate the art:
- Contact number/mail:
- Link to your Social Media Handle Links (FB, IG, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Winner Announcements:
- International juries will select Top 3 entries as winners.
- 1st Place will be awarded 300 Euros equivalent in local currency
- 2nd Place will be awarded 200 Euros equivalent in local currency
- 3rd Place will be awarded 100 Euros equivalent in local currency.
- Awards will be decided on discretion of the jury. Decision of the jury board will be final.
Assessment Criteria
- Creative expression of the art
- Relevance of AI art to any of the Liberal Value
- Relevance of description/caption to the Art and Liberal Values
- Depth and Creativity used in submission of prompt.
Rights and Permissions:
- Copyright holders retain the copyright of their work. For awarded entries, copyright holders grant the Regional Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) unlimited non-exclusive use of high-resolution pictures for activities in all media, including social media, online and print, in relation to the contest, the exhibition, the yearbook, the public archive, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the auspices of the Regional Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), without any remuneration being due.
- The copyright holders represent and warrant that submission of the entries does not breach any law, and further that no third party can hold any claims or any objections regarding the rights granted to the Regional Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). The copyright holders will hold the Regional Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) harmless of any claims from third parties related hereto.