Female Forward International
Women drive politics

Half of the world’s population are women and we have come a long way towards gender parity over the last 100 years. Still the Global Gender Gap Report 2020 (https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2020-report-100-years-pay-equality ) forecasts that it will take another 95 years until full gender equality is achieved. One of the crucial factors in this is the political participation of women. Since politics is a driving factor for social developments, women political participation is much more than just one aspect of society, where gender equality needs to be achieved. Politics is THE enabler (or break for that matter) for positive change in many aspects of life, be it education, health, business or science. It is quite revealing that particularly in politics, the gender gap has been hard to close.
On the oath-taking day, some media persons asked me how much my bag cost. They asked another woman about from where she gets her makeup done. Why don`t they ask men the same questions that they were asking women legislators?
What are the conditions that make it so hard for women to play a major role in political decision-making despite the extensive international and national gender policy frameworks? FNF Pakistan and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) have commissioned a study on the performance of women legislators in Pakistan from 2018-2020. Find out, what the realities on the ground are and how women politicians deal with them.