FNF Myanmar launch a social media campaign on privacy

Privacy Cartoon

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation Myanmar (FNF) and Cyberbaykin launch a social media campaign on privacy with 38 comics submitted by 30 famous cartoonists from Myanmar. Among the cartoonists are prominent artists like APK, Maung Maung   Fountain and Lagun Eain.

The comics are separated into four themes: general privacy, fraud, security and personal space. Every Tuesday at 10 am, comics will be posted on both FNF Myanmar and Cyberbaykin Facebook pages. The campaign will run for four weeks.

Users who like, share or comment the posts until noon on the following Mondays have the chance to win a small gift. At 3 pm on Mondays, 12 winners will be announced in an audio clip from by one of the cartoonists. The artists will also explain how they get inspiration to draw their submitted cartoons.

Each winner will receive a full color comic book, a FNF Covid Prevention Package and a powerbank.

All comics will be published on the official FNF Myanmar and Cyberbaykin websites.