Rima Malek

I am an associate professor of information and communication technology (ICT) for education in the Lebanese University (LU) and an elected member of the Municipal Council of Ajaltoun (MCA) since 2012 (2012-2016). I teach, conduct research, and I am in charge of international funded projects for both the MCA and the LU. I have been involved in numerous advisory and consultancy capacities in a variety of educational projects involving either ICT or the engagement in the local community. I initiated the Children Municipal Council in Ajaltoun (CMC) in 2012. The IAF seminar gave me a deeper understanding of liberalism and broadened my idea concerning the political engagement. I shared some of the content of the seminar with the MCA and the CMC and reflected on it on various occasions. I obtained her Ph.D. from the Université de Rouen, France.