May El Masri

Secretary of Future Youth
May El Masri

My desire to start volunteering began, as it does for many, as a nagging sensation. Surely there was something I could do to give my life more meaning, but where to start? I joined Future Youth back in 2009 driven by the idea of freedom. Freedom wasn’t only about what I was free to do, but about other people as well. 

I was also aware of the importance of organizational techniques while working in political parties. Political parties structure political choice; It is how you organize that directly affects who is represented and which policies are prioritized. So I got in the track of leading and organizing trainings on topics like organizational structure, leadership and communication skills. 

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to attend the IAF for a TOT and learn more on how to manage and develop valuable trainings. Every day, I learned something new during the IAF training. The stories that I heard from other participants, the difficulties and challenges they have faced in their countries and how they deal with these difficulties are the most valuable lessons I can embrace as a trainer and activist.

What I always keep in mind today is that there’s a 100% chance that your city, your neighborhood, or even your street, is full of individuals who are struggling with very real problems. The more you learn about them, both the problems and the people, the more you’ll feel in touch with your community, instead of drifting in a filter bubble. Engaging with them could make you a positive influence on a whole lot of other potential givers.