Aya Shamra : Project Coordinator at SHiFT Social Innovation Hub

My name is Aya Chamra. I lived most of my life in Northern Lebanon, Tripoli, a city that holds a very a very dear place in my heart. I graduated from the Lebanese American University with a B.S. in Economics. I grew up loving my society and with it all the community service that comes with it which played a big role in my interest of work later on. As I graduated, I started working with a local community-based organization, SHiFT Social Innovation Hub, first as a Business development Officer and later on as a Project Coordinator. I also am proud to be part of Students for Liberty and organization that aims to spread Liberal thoughts all around the globe. I am someone eager to go through new experiences out of my comfort zone so I am always extremely exited to travel to new countries.
I attended the IAF because of my involvement with Students for Liberty. My career is focused on Development through non-governmental organizations and luckily the topic of the seminar I attended matched perfectly my professional development. The seminar was really an amazing experience, I got the chance to meet amazing people from all around the globe that share the same interests of change as me. I have attended lots of seminars and I their impact on my life were very minor but as for IAF I took back lots of tactics and strategies I practice every day. The most important one would be the art of communication and specifically giving attention while listening to someone else. After I came back, I started to look at thing differently in my organization, I was eager to teach them the things I learned during the seminar. Today, I am working an a series of workshops here in Lebanon with a coach from Germany I met during one of the workshops at IAF and I am excited to merge these two world and bring the utmost knowledge to my community.