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Athar: Promoting Political Participation at the Local Level

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The project “Athar: Promoting Political Participation at the Local Level” targets all the governorates and aims to raise community awareness of the new political legislation system and encourage more effective integration into political life. Target groups: youth, women, people with disabilities, and other social groups.
It was implemented in close cooperation with municipalities and provincial councils.

The National Conference had two main sessions:
 1. How to monitor future paths related to the form of political reform in Jordan (reading of the expected scenarios after the modernization of the political system), the steps that need to be taken to reach the desired goal, and how to create an enabling environment incubating effective political participation and public freedoms.
2. The importance of participatory work between the government, CSOs, women, and youth, with the aim of creating a political environment in Jordan to enhance public participation at the local level.

Mayors of major municipalities, heads of provincial councils or their representatives, deans of student affairs from all Jordanian universities, a number of party representatives, youth and women’s organizations, local and international community organizations, and representatives of embassies participated in this conference.