Countdown to Christmas
21 - Socialism and Interventionism

IAF - 21
  • Especially among intellectuals there seems to be an erroneous tendency to know what goals individual people are pursuing, what their wishes and needs are. They want to mold people into the ideal form they have imagined.
  • At best, this socialist project ends in mismanagement, but often also in a system of repression that destroys both freedom and prosperity.
  • Even socialism's little brother, "pragmatic" interventionism, does not serve the real needs of the people, but rather influential interest groups. Or he passes on the cost of his promises to future generations.
  • Hence the market economy still is the best way how to co-ordinate the economy, to create prosperity, and to preserve freedom.

Gift Idea

IAF - Socialism Gift Idea

The original game of Monopoly was produced in the 1930s by people, who somehow wanted to discredit capitalism. Instead, the people who then played it, thought that it was great fun to be a capitalist. In 2019 the parody “Monopoly Socialism", which we are recommending here, came out. This time it did not backfire. Under socialism everyone fares badly – whether in this game or in reality.

Dr. Detmar Doering

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