For Friedrich Naumann, the liberal pioneer who gave his name to the foundation, it was clear that a strong democracy needs responsible citizens. Only when individuals take part in the political process and assume responsibility, when they get involved and express their opinions, does a liberal society grow and flourish.
This idea has shaped the foundation right from the start. We want to contribute to the fact that there are fewer and fewer subjects and more and more self-confident, politically active citizens in the world.
Interest has to be formed: political education
Understanding is an essential requirement for political participation. That is why we want to use political education to bring liberalism closer to the people - and thus make it comprehensible. However, political education does not only take place in the mind - the focus of our work is the whole person with his or her values and ideas, which have to be changed or reinforced.
Experience is irreplaceable but exchangeable: political dialogue
In the political dialogue, we maintain the exchange of ideas, experiences and opinions all over the world. From well-known economic experts to yet unknown young politicians - very different people come together in our discussion panels, seminars and conferences. Together they work on new solutions and promote liberal ideas.
Working together to find a solution: policy advice
Political consultation focuses on solving political, economic and social problems. We support our liberal partners abroad in a variety of ways, for example by strengthening organized liberalism and by developing and building constitutional structures.
Investing in the future: scholarships for outstanding students
The Scholarship Program is committed to supporting liberal young talent all around the world. We help our scholarship holders not only materially, but also support them ideally through seminars and extensive further training.
Liberalism for future reference: the archive
The archive of liberalism collects and indexes documents about liberalism in Germany. It documents its history and contemporary research on liberalism - and thus serves as a historical memory for political liberalism.
Donation account
Support the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in fulfilling its mission, because a strong democracy needs responsible citizens.
> Learn more
The Statutes of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. (German)