Impacts of the Russian War in Ukraine on CEE Review No. 19
© 4liberty.euWe are pleased to present the nineteenth issue of Review, titled “Learning from the Past and Present: Impacts of the Russian War in Ukraine on CEE”. This time, our primary focus is on the response to the Russian aggression in the region, as well as various related phenomena and challenges.
Below, you may download the full issue.
From the Content
Parvin Guliyev / Russian Large-Scale Invasion of Ukraine: Concerns about the Security and Stability of the CEE Region
Natalia Matiaszczyk / Navigating New Realities: Five Lessons for CEE States from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Yevhen Anhel, Oleksandra Betliy, Oksana Kuziakiv / Russian Aggression on Ukraine: Resilient Government and Adaptive Business
Máté Hajba / Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Hungarian Government: How Viktor Orbán Capitalized on the Invasion
Rebeka Papp / The Hungarian Government’s Game of Russian Roulette: Between Brussels and Moscow
Olivér Papp / Towards Understanding the Hungarian Right-Wing Media Narrative about the Russian Aggression in Ukraine
Igor Šlosar / Croatia’s Approach to Russian War in Ukraine: How the EU Was Suddenly Forced to Deal with Its Decades-Long Dependence on Russian Energy and to Look For a Way Out
Filip Blaha / Russian Disinformation War in Europe, Its Determinants, and Consequences
Anar Rzayev / Rebuilding from the Ashes: Drawing Lessons from Past Wars to Address the Consequences of Russia's Aggression in Ukraine
Oksana Kuziakiv / Afterword: Lessons Learned or Strength in Solidarity is a network of representatives of liberal think tanks from Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, and Germany.