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Al Hurriya Liberal Network (AHLN): MENA voices at the ALDE Congress 2023

The Al Hurriya Liberal Network (AHLN) recently participated in the ALDE Congress, a gathering of European liberal leaders held in Stockholm, Sweden from May 26th to 28th. With the invaluable support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF-MENA) and the Swedish International Liberal Center (SILC). AHLN delegate of Vice President. Mrs. Mirna Mneimneh and MENA liaison officer Dr. Mahmoud Alaily actively engaged in political debates with representatives from various liberal political parties. They have effectively communicated the goals of AHLN and forged connections for future collaborative activities. Furthermore, AHLN executive committee members were invited as expert speakers to the FNF Discussion Panel on the complex issue of Migration, where they shared insights on the experiences of MENA countries, discussed the root causes of irregular migration, and explored potential liberal public policy interventions.

The ALDE Congress served as an ideal platform for AHLN to engage with European liberal leaders. AHLN representatives seized the opportunity to connect with numerous liberal political party delegates. Through constructive dialogues, they not only showcased the objectives and initiatives of AHLN but also learned about successful liberal approaches implemented by European countries. These interactions paved the way for potential partnerships, knowledge sharing, and collaborative efforts in addressing pressing regional and global challenges related to irregular migration.

The involvement of AHLN executive committee members as expert speakers in the FNF Discussion Panel on Migration further enriched the discourse on irregular migration. During the panel, they shared valuable insights into the experiences of MENA countries, shedding light on the multifaceted factors driving migration in the region. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced, AHLN contributed to the understanding of the complexities involved in migration and the need for tailored liberal public policy interventions. The panel discussion enabled AHLN to showcase its expertise and establish itself as a valuable contributor to formulating effective migration policies.
Future Activities and Collaborations:
The ALDE Congress served as a launching pad for AHLN's future activities and collaborations. Building on the connections established during the event, AHLN aims to foster partnerships with European liberal leaders, political parties, and institutions. Through these collaborations, AHLN seeks to share best practices, exchange knowledge, and implement joint initiatives to address the challenges of irregular migration. By leveraging the expertise and resources of its partners, AHLN strives to develop innovative liberal solutions that ensure human rights, social justice, and sustainable development for all.
The participation of the Al Hurriya Liberal Network (AHLN) in the ALDE Congress marked an important milestone in advancing liberal solutions and networking with European liberal leaders. With the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF-MENA) and the Swedish International Liberal Center (SILC).