Alumni Network
„Welcome to 2024: New Projects and Hopes for Freedom“ events in Ankara and Istanbul

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) recently hosted two gatherings in Ankara and Istanbul, titled "Welcome to 2024: New Projects and Hopes for Freedom." These events provided platforms for our partners and alumni network to exchange ideas and foster connections and collaboration.
The Ankara event, held at the partner Freedom Research Association's office, commenced with a warm reception where Beate Apelt, Head of FNF Türkiye, and Bican Şahin, former Head of FRA welcomed attendees. The highlight of the Ankara event was the interactive session titled "Exploring the World of Freedom - How well do we know each other?" which tested our partner's and alumni's knowledge of the foundation in the style of the famous game show Jeopardy and the evening transitioned into a networking session, enabling attendees to forge new connections and brainstorm potential collaborations.
Similarly, the event held at the FNF office welcomed our partners and alumnis in Istanbul. A highlight was the "Freedom Oscars" Award Ceremony, honouring individuals and partners whose contributions have advanced the cause of freedom in Türkiye. Participants were divided into groups and engaged in another Jeopardy game, like in Ankara, and the evening concluded with a lively networking session, facilitating idea exchange and new connections.
Both events celebrated past achievements while providing opportunities to exchange ideas and foster new collaborations among partners and alumni network. They set the stage for a year of meaningful projects and collective efforts toward realizing aspirations for a freer and more just society in Türkiye.