Official Observers to the Elections in South Africa

Voters queuing outside a voting station during the 2009 elections in South Africa
©An international delegation will be joining the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Johannesburg, South Africa as official observers of the 2019 National & Provincial Elections from 3 - 10 May. FNF Africa attained an official observer accreditation certificate from the Independent Electoral Commission in South Africa.

The election observer accreditation certificate to FNF Africa from the IEC in South Africa
Elections are the expression of the will of the people and they determine the fate of a country’s political, social and economic growth. With this act, the Foundation is demonstrating its commitment to advancing the pillars that safeguard democracy in developing countries. The tour will take place alongside a workshop with immersive experiential learning. The observers will experience the final days of campaigning of political parties, they will learn about electioneering in the digital age and the challenges that have surfaced with the rise of social media and fake news and lastly they will learn about the key principles of observations during elections. A statement with the findings from the observers on the elections will be issued on the day after the elections. The delegates will be in Pretoria, South Africa on May 9th for interviews.
The delegates come from the following countries: