Youth unemployment, energy transition, liberal networks
Free3- network is creating solutions in Milan

Looking back on an inspiring time in Milan! In May, we met with our Free3 Network of classical liberal think tanks to discuss youth unemployment and energy transition, with a special focus on our project countries Spain, Italy and Portugal!
The event was dedicated to understanding and addressing the multifaceted issue of youth unemployment and the need for a global energy transformation. Many thanks to our speakers for their insights and expertise. Based on your input, we had interesting discussions and defined new questions to discuss with our network partners in the coming year!
Two great highlights:
Jorge Galindo presented us a study on the challenges facing Mediterranean youth and how income, independence, housing and future challenges affect youth unemployment.
To energize our perspectives on the energy transformation, the Adam Smith Society, in collaboration with the FNF, presented their latest study showing the differences in renewable energy standards in Spain, Portugal and Italy.
To conclude this inspiring event, we had an expert presentation by Professor Giuseppe Zollino from the University of Padova, who focused on climate change and sustainability, and gave us perspectives on the opportunities and limits of nuclear energy.
The whole event was characterised by a good team spirit, discussions, a lot of new ideas and inspiring keynote speeches with many different perspectives.
We thank all our participants and speakers for making this event a great success.