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The "Freiheit" philosophy

Frei|heit, die; feminine noun (Latin libertas, -atis) - freedom with responsibility; philosophical concept of liberalism, from which the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is inspired.
The concept is based on the philosophy of the Enlightenment that you are an independent and free individual - and therefore you are at the heart of our thinking. Our perception of your being is humanistic. Your Rights are universal and inalienable and equity of opportunity is what we strive for.
The society is open and free for you to live your freedom where exchange is a voluntary cooperation based on respect and tolerance. The government is at your service because you elect it. Its intervention is reduced to the essentials according to the principle of subsidiarity by which individual initiative prevails. Transparency is its motto and good anti-bureaucratic governance is its foundation.
The economy is based on entrepreneurship and the free and social market economy so that you can carry out your economic activities freely and in a protected environment. Free trade allows prosperity and free competition, which you can take advantage of to buy the best products at the best prices and create your financial independence.