FNF Indonesia attends Indonesia’s Election Visit Program (IEVP) 2024

Voting site during Election Day in North Jakarta, Indonesia (14/2).
© Dr. Stefan DiederichThe 2024 General Election in Indonesia marked the fifth occasion on which the President and Vice President of Indonesia were directly elected, continuing a tradition of elections held every five years since 2004. Not only a presidential election, eligible citizens also elect the members of the legislature, including the People’s Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or DPR), Regional Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah or DPD) and provincial and municipal legislative councils. For Indonesia’s young democracy, free and fair elections are an indispensable building block.
Between February 12th - 15th 2024, the General Elections Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Komisi Pemilihan Umum or KPU) as the body that organizes elections in Indonesia invited diplomats and representatives of foreign organizations to participate in learning, observing, and witnessing how elections are conducted in Indonesia. The Indonesia’s Election Visit Program (IEVP) 2024 was a good opportunity for Dr. Stefan Diederich, Head of Office of FNF Indonesia, to get a firsthand impression of the voting process in Jakarta. Within the thematic session of the IEVP, discussions also addressed challenges presented by new technologies, including online manipulation.

Hasyim Asy'ari, Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) with Dr. Stefan Diederich, Head of Office, FNF Indonesia, on the day before the election.