Freedom Prize
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom awards the 2024 Freedom Prize to Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza.

I have no doubt that one day Russia will be a free and democratic country. All our work is aimed at bringing that day a little closer.

Time and again, Vladimir Kara-Murza has shown tremendous courage in his commitment to freedom and human rights in his beloved homeland of Russia. As a journalist and political activist, he stood up for the values of freedom, democracy and humanity in various contexts.
He has worked and continues to work to educate people in Russia and around the world about the crimes of the current Russian regime and at the same time to indicate a path towards a democratic, free Russia. His statements and journalistic contributions have opened the eyes of many people about contemporary Russia and its power structures. At the same time, they point the way to a better, democratic Russia.
Vladimir Kara-Murza took on important leadership roles in the Russian opposition, in parties and organisations – in his own country and in exile.
He was one of the most important advocates and supporters of the Magnitzky Act. It is largely thanks to him that this law, which enables the US to hold those responsible for human rights violations in Russia and elsewhere individually accountable, was passed in 2014.
The Russian regime sentenced him to 25 years in prison, the longest prison sentence for any political prisoner in modern Russia. This shows the great fear the rulers in Russia have of his work.
There were repeated attempts to intimidate him, to damage his health, even to kill him. But Vladimir Kara-Murza refused to be intimidated. He lost neither hope nor stamina. This way, he set an example to people in Russia and all over the world that the will to freedom cannot be permanently suppressed.
By granting this award to Vladimir Kara-Murza we honour not only his personal courage and commitment, but also that of his wife, his allies and friends. We also honour all those people in Russia who stand up for liberal values, human rights and freedom.