Coalition Governments
Initiating, planning and managing coalitions

Building on a liberal and open society legacy
Coalition governments
Symbolic Sign Coalition german "Koalition" © Shutterstock

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Sub-Saharan Africa interrogates coalitions for liberals in African political parties reflecting on the recently launched Africa Liberal Network (ALN) Coalition Handbook.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) sub-Saharan Africa regional programme presents a virtual launch of the Africa Liberal Network’s (ALN) handbook titled Initiating, Planning and Managing Coalitions. Liberal political experts from across different regions around the world join us in this global summit on building on a liberal and open society legacy.

FNF is privileged to have representations by the esteemed panellists and contributors to discuss and unpack similarities, challenges and best practices against the experiences shared in the new ALN Handbook. ALN’s strategic partners, Democrats 66 (D66) and People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), reflect on the collaboration of documented testimonies and experiences of ALN member parties in their journeys of learning and working through varying examples of coalition management.


The main reason for these discussions is to answer these critical questions: Can a liberal legacy be built and sustained through working in coalition arrangements and do coalitions dilute on liberal values?

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What is also evident from the discourse is how receptive different parts of the world are to the idea of liberal solution versus countries in regions where, historically, the political footprint is framed and characterised by other strong political ideologies, which perhaps make it unpopular. What can be learnt from listening to alternative experiences to have a different conversation and shift mindsets?

The discussions are moderated by Hon. Ms Refiloe Nt’sekhe of the Democratic Alliance in South Africa, she is joined by Senator Radu Mihail (Romania), Mr Putra Nababan (Indonesia), Mr Vinay Mishra (India) and Mr Raimar Wagner from FNF in Romania.

It also includes featured appearances by Mr Manfred Richter who is the FNF Treasurer and Member of the Board, Hon. Ms Rym Mahjoub (Tunisia), Felipe Kast Sommerhoff (Chile), ALN strategic partners Martijn Bolkestein and Marjolein de Jong of the VVD and D66 (Netherlands) respectively.